Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Ventura’s Art City Needs a Miracle

Please join as a community in taking a stand for the preservation of Ventura’s Art City. Art City is at a critical stage and there are immediate funding needs for re-building and restoration of the studio facilities.

The San Buenaventura Artists’ Union has arranged to accept tax deductible donations for Art City while it continues its application for nonprofit status for Art City Inventura. Donations can be made by check, cash or money order. Please make checks or money orders to San Buenaventura Artists Union.

Please deliver or mail donations to:
San Buenaventura Artists Union
c/o Dona Wieckowski
1684 Poli Street
Ventura, CA 93001

Each donation will be forwarded to Art City and an acknowledgement letter will be issued by the San Buenaventura Artists’ Union for tax purposes.

For more information please call:
Dona Wieckowski - 805 648.7544
Paul Lindhard – 805 653.6380
Russel Erickson - 805 648.1690

Please also visit and interact on the ART CITY BLOG at for current and evolving fundraising and activities information.

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